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LETTERS TO THE EDITORUP THE CLIMBDear Sir, I would like to make several comments regarding the Lakeland meeting of December 5.Firstly. I was very pleased to see the preview in the December 10 issue. and I thought that your artlcle in the Decem· ber 24 Auto Action was ex -cellent.In particular. this is the first time that I remember seeing the complete results of any meeting written up in a magazine or newspaper. and I think that this 1sa very good method of presentation. especially for those people who do not have a programme (or results) listing the competitors who took part in the meeting.I hope Auto Action will continue this high standard of h1llclimb coverage in 1972.You stated that. "With the facilities of and a return road. there 1s absolutely no excuse for not being able to process 138 cars at an average one minute per run certainly not all the 138 starters appeared."According to my calculations. 122 cars started (1f we include Alan Newton. No. 51 in class H). and they took an average time of 56.8 seconds to complete their fastest run (62 cars had a fastest time of 56.8 sec. or better).I consider that 1t would not be possible to consistently start the next car 1n less than six seconds after the previous one cleared the finish light (remember that General Supp. Reg. No. 27 allows a driver up to 30 seconds for this). and. 1f we allow 4½ minutes after each set of runs (i.e. after each 122 cars). to take refreshments to the officials. this gives a minimum average time of 65 seconds per car.Allowing 1 0 minutes for dis, rupt1ons during the meeting. this would give 2¼ hours for each 122 cars. or 6¾ (say seven) hours to complete the whole meeting. which would also include a run-off by the fastest 1 2 cars.This appears to be possible. although, as you stated. 1t was not achieved.A. L. Grigg Brighton Beach. Vic. "AAA" EVERYWHEREDear Sir. I have been working up near Alice Springs for several weeks now and for the first time I saw your motoring publ1cat1on. Australian Auto Action.I am writing to find whether this publication can be delivered by mallMD Poulish. Northfield. SA(You certainly can have Auto Action delivered by mail and for those who do want to make sure of their copy. a subscription coupon ice nn.., included -Ed.)